A reality check on clean mobility
Emmanuel Desplechin, ePURE’s Secretary General, writes in Ethanol Producer Magazine: “The EU has high hopes for lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cars and light-duty vehicles in the coming decades. But in Brussels, most of the talk on this important issue focuses on electric vehicles as a so-called “zero-emission” solution. That’s an admirable goal, but the real story is not quite so clear cut. A Ricardo Energy & Environment study looked at the makeup and emissions of the potential EU auto fleet mix for the coming decades. It found that use of low-carbon fuels like renewable EU ethanol could provide additional GHG reductions that would otherwise not be achieved. It also found that the use of sustainable ethanol could lessen potential long-term uncertainties associated with the deployment of electrically chargeable vehicles (ECVs). Even under the most ambitious scenario examined in the study, with 40% of the new passenger cars sales in 2030 being electric vehicles, those vehicles would make up just 15.7% of the EU passenger vehicle fleet in 2030.”