Position Papers


Joint statement: An early revision of CO2 emission standards regulations should be driven by technology openness

The Network for Sustainable Mobility* takes note of the emerging political debate on the decarbonisation of road transport and recognises with concern that the lack of technology openness in both regulations for light and heavy-duty vehicles severely constrains the choice of viable technologies to meet the CO2 reduction targets.


Food, Feed and Fuel for the EU: Realising the potential of renewable ethanol biorefineries for a more autonomous Europe

The last few years of EU climate and energy policy have demonstrated more than ever that Europe needs a new way to think about biofuels and their contribution to transport defossilisation. As the EU enters a new political cycle, the European renewable ethanol industry will be working along with a wide range of stakeholders in the biofuels and food and feed value chains to help build awareness of the strategic importance of renewable ethanol production.


Joint Letter to EU Member States on the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive

In a joint letter to EU Member State representatives, the EU Biofuels Value Chain and the European Biogas Association express concerns about the unfair discrimination among different renewable fuels, within both the European Commission proposal and the latest draft compromise text prepared by the Council Presidency on the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive. This discrimination would lead to an unpredictable and arbitrary energy taxation framework, in breach of the EU Climate Law and basic principles of EU Law, as well as undermining international competition.


Joint letter to European policymakers on CO2 standards for cars and vans

CO2 standards for cars and vans: automakers, auto parts industry and fuel manufacturers call for trilogue negotiations to fully implement the outcome of Council General Approach to enable, after 2035, ICE vehicles registered to run exclusively on CO2 neutral fuels.


EU renewable ethanol’s strategic contribution to energy independence and food security in Europe

The crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the urgency of reducing Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels and supporting its energy and food independence. The European Commission’s RePowerEU proposal to boost EU energy security is an important step to reducing dependence on imported crude oil and ensuring stable domestic production of fuel and food, while continuing the drive to carbon-neutrality. ePURE, the association representing the European producers of renewable ethanol from sustainably grown crops, waste, and residues, wishes to underline the positive contribution of domestic solutions, such as EU renewable ethanol, to cope with the crisis.

Read the full ePURE position paper here.


Making ‘Fit for 55’ fit for purpose: towards an effective EU transport fuel policy

The European Commission’s Fit for 55 package sets important new goals for emissions reduction in transport. Giving a prominent role to renewable liquid fuels would create a solid foundation for reaching them. To that end, the EU should fully maximise the tools it has on hand for decarbonisation and de-fossilisation – starting with the Renewable Energy Directive. Other surrounding policies should be consistent with each other. In particular technology neutrality must be at the forefront of this ambitious package and all renewable and sustainable fuels, including electricity, must be able to contribute on the basis of an objective well-to-wheel measurement.


Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform: Joint call for action on Fit for 55 package

The members of the Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform – representing major associations operating in the EU liquid fuels value chain, from feedstock and fuel production to storage, supply and distribution – are committed to working together to contribute to the decarbonisation of the mobility sector in a sustainable, affordable and socially inclusive way.

Read our call for action ahead of the European Commission’s publication of the Fit for 55 package.


Open Letter on the Future of the Vehicle CO2 Standard

A coalition of EU renewable fuels associations has sent an open letter to the European Commission on the importance of achieving climate-neutrality in road transport through the contribution of renewable sustainable fuels. Read the full letter here.


EU Biofuels Chain: Statement on upcoming revision of EU CO2 Standards for Cars & Vans

EU climate policy works best when it avoids predicting winners and losers and sticks to the principle of technology neutrality – fostering the cheapest, most efficient and effective decarbonisation solutions. For road transport this means sustainable biofuels, today’s main tool for reducing emissions and displacing fossil fuel.

Read the full statement here.


Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform: Towards Transport Fuels’ Transformation

Major organisations operating in the liquid fuels value chain have joined forces to form the Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform. These partners are working together to contribute to the decarbonisation of the mobility sector in a sustainable and affordable way. They represent companies acting at different steps of the value chain, from feedstock and fuel production to supply and distribution, making up a substantial part of the sustainable renewable fuels’ ecosystem. Read our joint statement here.


EU Biofuels Chain: Joint position paper on the revised Sustainable finance draft Delegated Regulation

The EU Biofuels Chain supports the final objective of the Sustainable Finance Regulation: to enable financial flows to support sustainable growth and transition to a carbon neutral economy. We acknowledge the principle that the EU taxonomy should not contradict the European Green Deal objectives to fully deliver on the increased EU climate ambition. Biofuels should be part of the solution for the EU transition to carbon neutrality


European Bioeconomy Alliance: Joint position on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan

The European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan sets important ambitions for reducing consumption by making products more renewable, reusable and recyclable throughout their whole lifecycle – ambitions that cannot easily be achieved without taking full advantage of Europe’s bioeconomy. In this paper, the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), which represents a wide variety of primary producers, processors and technology providers including ePURE, highlights the significance of its sectors in contributing bioeconomy solutions for this essential transition to a circular economy.


ePURE’s position on revision of Energy and Environmental State aid guidelines – public consultation

ePURE, representing the European producers of renewable ethanol from crops, waste and residues, provided feedback on the revision of the current guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy. In addition to the questionnaire, ePURE also submitted a position paper.


ePURE’s position on RED II revision – public consultation

As the EU is once again moving towards a new revision of the RED, it is critical that the European Commission takes stock of the shortcomings of the approach that has been taken so far on renewables in transport and crop-based biofuels in particular. The design of RED II puts renewables against each other, instead of trying to replace fossil fuels as much as possible. This approach, initiated by the ILUC Directive, hinders greater renewable energy incorporation.


European Bioeconomy Alliance: Joint letter to Member States on the EU Taxonomy Regulation

ePURE joined EUBA members in sending a joint letter to Member State authorities on the EU Taxonomy Regulation’s draft delegated act on climate-related objectives and its annexes. “We believe that the Commission’s publication of the first draft delegated act and its annexes supplementing Regulation 2020/852 establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investments poses a serious threat to these sectors and to their ability to contribute towards climate change mitigation and adaptation,” the letter states.


Joint letter on the inclusion of sustainable renewable fuels in the EU mobility legislation

A group of 39 associations and companies representing the automotive, fuel and energy industries call on the European Commission to include sustainable renewable fuels in EU mobility legislation.


Joint position on existing alternative fuels within the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy

ePURE joined with UPEI (Europe’s independent fuel suppliers), Liquid Gas Europe (the European LPG association), and EBB (the European Biodiesel Board) in issuing a joint position calling on EU policymakers to ensure that all existing alternative fuels contribute to the decarbonisation of EU road transport.


EU Biofuels Chain: Joint position paper on the Increase of the EU Climate Ambition for 2030 in the Transport Sector

The EU Biofuels Chain welcomes the increased EU ambition for emissions reduction by 2030, and is ready to continue delivering real solutions to help decarbonise the European transport sector, progress towards a low carbon economy, strengthen the independence and revenue of European farmers, and contribute to the EU’s long-term vision of achieving a carbon neutral Europe by mid-century.


ePURE feedback on the RED II revision roadmap

In response to the RED II revision roadmap, ePURE has provided recommendations to make the most out of this upcoming revision of the main policy instrument fostering the uptake of renewable energy. This is in order to significantly increase renewable energy quantity in Europe, reduce reliance on fossil energy and support the European Green Deal ambitions. As the EU is once again moving towards a new revision of the RED, it is critical that the Commission takes stock of the failures of the approach that has been taken on renewables in transport and crop-based biofuels in particular. The design of RED II puts renewables against each other, pursuing the approach initiated by the ILUC Directive, thereby hindering greater renewable energy incorporation.


Joint statement on the EU Climate Law from ACE, EUBA and CITPA

Three organisations representing various sectors active in packaging and the bioeconomy (ACE, EUBA and CITPA) published a joint statement in support an ambitious Climate Law that recognizes the role of sustainable low carbon and circular materials, such as renewable materials, in achieving climate neutrality.


Joint Letter: Bioenergy stakeholders on EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030

ePURE joined Bioenergy Europe and the European Biogas Association in writing to key European Commissioners and officials about the upcoming EU Biodiversity Strategy, urging them to shape the future biodiversity policy within realistic, yet ambitious objectives, and to acknowledge the current Renewable Energy Directive as the reference framework to address all aspects of bioenergy sustainability and ensure strengthened requirements apply to both domestic and imported feedstock.


European Bioeconomy Alliance position on the EU Green Deal

The European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), representing twelve organisations in various sectors active in the bioeconomy including ePURE, welcomes the comprehensive EU Green Deal strategy.


Letter to European Commission on market situation in the times of COVID-19 and perspectives

European renewable ethanol producers have asked the European Commission to consider addressing challenges that have arisen from shifting market conditions as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis.


Joint Letter: Potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the European Biofuels Value Chain

ePURE joined other associations in the Biofuels Value Chain in sending a letter to European Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans on the potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the biofuels sector and address possible mitigation measures.

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