EU needs advanced biofuels boost to reach climate goals, transport decarbonisation
The International Energy Agency confirms that sustainable biofuels are needed to secure transport decarbonisation. The European Parliament’s Industry Committee, for its part, confirms the need to set a specific mandate for advanced biofuels. The European Parliament’s industry committee last week assessed the Commission’s proposal for a review of the renewable energy directive (REDII) published a year ago. The ITRE vote confirms their support of the obligation for advanced biofuels for the next decade. With a binding target to increase biofuels made from feedstock listed in Annex IX part A from 0.5% in 2021 to 3.6% in 2030, the industry committee backed the current development of industrial production capacity. This is in line with the International Energy Agencies (IEA) “Technology Roadmap: Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy” whose updated version was published last week. The roadmap identifies the necessity of advanced biofuels for a successful decarbonisation of the transport sector.