Europe’s bioeconomy is essential to achieving the EU Green Deal
The European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), representing 12 leading European organisations in various sectors active in the bioeconomy including ePURE, recently responded to the European Commission’s public consultation on the roadmap of the forthcoming EU Climate Law.
The transition to a circular bioeconomy is a major opportunity to create competitive advantages for Europe and, as the updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy underlines, “[a] sustainable European bioeconomy is necessary to build a carbon neutral future in line with the Climate objectives of the Paris Agreement”.
"The bioeconomy is already worth more than €2 trillion annually and employs over 18 million Europeans," EUBA says in its response to the Commission. "Given the right conditions and a stable investment and policy environment, the bioeconomy can help reduce reliance on resources of fossil origin, boost competitiveness and job creation, and contribute to policy goals and initiatives, including in the fields of climate and sustainability. EUBA agrees with the aim as outlined in the Climate Law Roadmap to ensure that that all sectors play their part, that all relevant policies should contribute to reaching the climate goals and that this amongst other things includes strengthening incentives for developing climate-friendly and sustainable practices, products and technologies."
Read the full text of the EUBA contribution here.