
Europe’s farmers support more EU crop-based biofuels, less palm oil


Europe needs a stable, long-term biofuels policy that sets a high ambition for renewables in transport and reduces EU reliance on imported palm oil, according to a group of five associations in the agricultural and feed-and-food sectors.

The coalition – which in addition to ePURE includes Copa-Cogeca, the European Oilseed Alliance, the Confederation of European Beet Growers and Maiz’Europe – sent a joint letter to EU policymakers ahead of 17 May negotiations on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).

“It is crucial to preserve the contribution made by EU crop-based biofuels to ensure regulatory certainty and a long-term framework,” the group wrote, saying the existing 7% cap on crop-based biofuels should not be lowered. “To ensure an ambitious share of renewables in transport, we endorse an ambitious 35% target for renewables coupled with a minimum transport incorporation obligation of 14% for all renewable sources, without technological restrictions. This level should build on the existing 10% target for 2020 and follow an increasing linear trajectory until 2030, without being artificially boosted by multipliers for renewable electricity.”

The group also called for “corrective measures with regard to the contribution of palm oil and its derivatives to EU climate and environmental objectives.”

“The share of palm oil and its derivatives incorporated into diesel and petrol has increased significantly over the last few years to the detriment of European feedstocks that contribute to providing animal feed and high value protein for livestock (of which the EU is in short supply) and to jobs and growth in EU rural areas,” the letter states.

To read the full letter click here.

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