
Horizon Magazine: Why raising the alcohol content of Europe’s fuels could reduce carbon emissions


Horizon Magazine, published by the European Commission, has taken an in-depth look at how renewable ethanol can help achieve the EU Green Deal by empowering European motorists to reduce emissions:

"By 2030, a fifth of the fuel that motorists put into the petrol tanks of their cars could be alcohol, according to research concluding that new petrol and ethanol blends can reduce carbon emissions from Europe’s transport sector with little additional cost to consumers.

Labels that carry a single letter followed by a number are found on petrol pumps across Europe. Many motorists probably don’t notice these codes, or aren’t aware that when they use a pump which has one, they’re putting alcohol into their cars.

The alcohol, in the form of ethanol derived from plants, is part of efforts to make the fuels we put in our vehicles more environmentally friendly. Most petrol now sold at pumps in Europe is a blend of 5% bioethanol and 95% gasoline, denoted by an E5 label, while some countries have moved to a new generation of fuel that contains up to 10% bioethanol, known as E10.

And as the world looks to reduce its impact on climate change by cutting emissions from fossil fuels, motorists in the European Union could soon be putting even more alcohol into their tanks."

Read the full article here.

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