RePowerEU: Biofuels play a strategic role in boosting Europe’s energy independence
Russia’s war on Ukraine has dramatically highlighted the urgency of reducing the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels and supporting its energy and food independence. This effort will require mobilising an array of domestic resources. Fortunately, as Simona Vackeová and Xavier Noyon write in EURACTIV, the EU has a homegrown solution that is already displacing fossil fuel in transport and other uses: sustainable biofuels from crops, wastes and residues.
Simona Vackeová is Secretary General ad interim of ePURE, the European renewable ethanol association; Xavier Noyon is Secretary General of EBB, the European Biodiesel Board.
The European Commission’s RePowerEU proposal to boost EU energy security is an important step to reducing dependence on imported crude oil and ensuring stable domestic production of fuel and food, while continuing the drive to carbon-neutrality and a circular economy. The proposal focuses mainly on gas and electricity production, but the need to displace liquid fossil fuels should not be overlooked.
As a proven, domestically sourced technology for reducing emissions from road transport – and as the leading source of renewable energy in transport – biofuels have a valuable strategic role to play in this effort.