The EU and decarbonisation: where do we go from here?
The European Parliament and EU Member States seems to be moving in a different direction when it comes to renewables in transport. While the European Commission and the EP Environment Committee want to phase out crop-based biofuels, the Council sees them as important too to achieve transport decarbonisation.
Here is what we see as a better way forward:
Rather than make yet another innovation- killing policy u-turn, the EU should...
- Increase the level of ambition to 15% renewables in transport by 2030 to deliver on energy and climate goals
- Ensure policy continuity and maintain 7% contribution of biofuels from arable crops to renewables objectives
- Strengthen sustainability criteria and traceability requirements for all biomass to ensure a level playing field between energy sources
- Promote sustainable conventional biofuels with high GHG savings beyond the current and proposed caps
- Promote progressive deployment of advanced biofuels on top of conventional biofuels
- Encourage the development of higher biofuels blends to improve CO2 reduction and air quality